Powered Stair Climbers

Powered Stair Climber Training

£415.00£450.00 + VAT

Please contact us prior to ordering to confirm your training date.

Fully supplier certified to provide certificated Operator training for all the products we supply, including SANO, Escalera, Ultralift, Steprider.  Making sure you and your team reduce all possible risks due to flawed practices.

* Courses are for a maximum of 5 people

SKU: N/A Category:

When we can carry out training upon delivery of a new trucks at a discounted rate, these rates are shown in our brochure.

Benefit from :-

  • Reduced accident rates
  • Reduced costs due to damaged goods
  • Reduced property repair costs
  • Reduced staff turnover and recruitment costs
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased staff moral

Our Trainer has many years experience in the Manual Handling field and is a specialist in training operators in the use of Powered Stairclimbers.

Under current legislation (HSE) you have a duty of care to your staff and this means that all powered stair climber operators must be trained and certificated in the safe use of the equipment. Our training packages are designed around you, to ensure your operators fully understand the safe use of the equipment and can therefore get the optimum performance from their new delivery tool.

We provide certificated training on all types of powered stair climber.

The following health and safety PDF documents from the HSE provide useful information:

For more information about Moving Heavy Goods Safely go to the Health and Safety Executive website.

Weight 668400218 kg
Dimensions 6683206 × 6683606 mm
Machine Type

SANO, Escalera and Ultralift, Steprider, Powermate, Lectrotruck and AATA (up to 350 kg)


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